Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Joy of Photoshop #5: Slender Man

Today, I spent a good part of my morning watching the Marble Hornets project. It's a YouTube series loosely based on one of my favorite things to come out of a Something Awful Photoshop Phriday: Slender Man.

There are some really creative shoops of Slender Man into old photos and distorted film stills. Some great fan art, too.

One last note on Marble Hornets - if you have a couple free hours, I highly suggest watching the series. It's an ARG too, so keeping updated with the Twitter and the alternate "masky" account, really enhances the viewing experience (aka. helps to scare the shit out of you.) Watch it with the lights on, guys.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Joy of Photoshop #4: What's wrong with this picture?

Did I mention that I love the blog Photoshop Disasters?
Because I do.

What is wrong with this picture?
1. The father has no legs.
2. The daughter's legs have been switched.
3. The leg with the cast has been enlarged to the point where amputation would be the only solution.

Remember: Always check your work!

EDIT: After more research and thought (aka: after checking Photoshop Disasters' comments) it has been determined that the broken leg actually belongs to the man and that his other leg is hidden by the draped coat. Likewise, the child's left leg is hidden by the coat on the table. This image was completely deliberate and NOT badly Photoshopped. Either way, good design idea, horrible execution. This said, the judgment stays: Always check your work.