Monday, October 25, 2010


I've just been really busy. Thinking about taking a bunch of tutorials again for you soon.
Here's something I whipped up today using a few tutorials during class.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Web Design / Photoshop Resources

I've been working on re-designing a website for an antiques business that I work for and I've had to teach myself a lot of new things in order to get everything to look and work the way we want it to.

In my travels, I've come across a few design resources, tutorials, and websites that I felt as if I needed to store somewhere. So, why not here? It's been quite a while since I've had the opportunity to do some new tutorials and post anything, anyway.

Without further ado, here's some neat stuff that I've found:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Joy of Photoshop #5: Slender Man

Today, I spent a good part of my morning watching the Marble Hornets project. It's a YouTube series loosely based on one of my favorite things to come out of a Something Awful Photoshop Phriday: Slender Man.

There are some really creative shoops of Slender Man into old photos and distorted film stills. Some great fan art, too.

One last note on Marble Hornets - if you have a couple free hours, I highly suggest watching the series. It's an ARG too, so keeping updated with the Twitter and the alternate "masky" account, really enhances the viewing experience (aka. helps to scare the shit out of you.) Watch it with the lights on, guys.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Joy of Photoshop #4: What's wrong with this picture?

Did I mention that I love the blog Photoshop Disasters?
Because I do.

What is wrong with this picture?
1. The father has no legs.
2. The daughter's legs have been switched.
3. The leg with the cast has been enlarged to the point where amputation would be the only solution.

Remember: Always check your work!

EDIT: After more research and thought (aka: after checking Photoshop Disasters' comments) it has been determined that the broken leg actually belongs to the man and that his other leg is hidden by the draped coat. Likewise, the child's left leg is hidden by the coat on the table. This image was completely deliberate and NOT badly Photoshopped. Either way, good design idea, horrible execution. This said, the judgment stays: Always check your work.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tutorial #7 - Advanced Glow Effects: With Color Text

Boy, have I ever been busy these last couple weeks. The semester is almost over and the catchup work has been draggin' me down.

But this week's tutorial was another shot at glow effects. Will Advanced Glow Effects: With Color Text stick out among the many failures of Glow Effect tutorials?!?

Final image:

This actually looks somewhat like the example! Any differences were my own design choices. The instructions were helpful and clear and there were many screenshots... EXCEPT in step 9, instead of giving you the exact specifications of the layer styles, they ask you to DOWNLOAD their original file.
I worked on this tutorial on a train. When I got to step 9, I couldn't continue until I reached a place with internet. I was not pleased.
My suggestion does not go to you, but to the creator of this tutorial. Next time, supply the .psd file at the beginning of the tutorial and explain that it is needed to finish the tutorial.

That is all!

Length of time: 35 minutes.
Level: Intermediate.
Cool factor:

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tutorial #6: Na'vi Tutorials.

Everyone and their mother has been doing Na'vi tutorials recently. I've found a lot of good ones, a lot of horrible ones, and many in between. Instead of doing one tutorial, I decided to pick and choose things from several.

The tutorials I used, in order of best to worse, were:
Na'vi Avatar Photomanipulation Tutorial
Create James Cameron's AVATAR Movie Poster in Photoshop
Angelina Jolie as Na'Vi from Avatar Movie

Original image:

Final image:

Not bad. Not bad at all.

Each tutorial had its good and bad sides, but worked fantastically when combined. Really, they each had completely different styles. The success of the tutorial depends on what you'd like to take from each. My only tip is to make a lot of copies of your progress. Save often.

And because I always need to complain about something, this tutorial was undoubtedly the worst thing I have ever seen.

Length of time: 6 hours.
Level: Advanced.
Handiness: (I learned a lot.)
Cool factor:

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Joy of Photoshop #3: Mono Loso

Inspired by Woll Smoth, but without abusing the liquify tool.

Fine art just got finer.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Joy of Photoshop #2: Bea Arthur Mountains Pizza

Clearly, this is the way Photoshop was always meant to be used.

And there are MORE.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tutorial #5: MP3 Player Design

I've always been interested in product design, but assumed that they usually do these sorts of drawings using a 3D program. When I saw this tutorial, I was extra excited.

The tutorial uses almost nothing but blending options to create the 3D effects. It's probably not the most practical way to create this effect, but it certainly worked.

I'm not sure if this is an actual product, but in the middle of my tutorial I noticed something kinda fishy.


My end result was pretty sweet looking though:

I'm rather surprised and pleased with this tutorial. It was easy, clear, and ended up looking fantastic. I wish there was more room to play around, but I don't really have any other complaints.

Just kidding.

One complaint that I did have, was that they were giving you specific dimensions for every step, but never explained how to CREATE those dimensions. I spent a good bit of the tutorial, just trying to figure out how to specify the dimensions of an object. Eventually, I gave up and guessed. It made the tutorial a bit harder to follow, but it still worked. SO WHATEVER.

Length of time: Entire project: 2 hours.
Level: Intermediate.
Cool factor: